Devices tab

The Devices tab contains devices available for usage.

Watch the video overview of the tab on our YouTube channel:


The tab has two views: Card and Detail. To change a view, you need to click on the View switcher:

Device view switcher

Card view

The devices are presented as card blocks in the Card view. The view is divided into three sections:

  • Premium – the newest and most popular devices
  • Available – all other devices that are not busy
  • Occupied – devices being in use or booked

You can perform the following actions in the Card view:

Actions a user can perform in the Card view

Detail view

The Detail view represents devices as rows containing additional information and actions.

Detail view of the Devices tab

To work with a device in the Detail view, you can choose one of the ways:

  • Hover over a device row and choose a button
Actions on hover
  • Click on the kebab menu and choose an action from there
Actions in Kebab menu
  • Click on a device row to choose an action from the Settings window.

System info

You can check before you start the device session if the device has the following features:

  • Sound: the icon appears that the feature is missing.
  • Wi-Fi: the icon appears that the feature is missing.
  • SIM card: the icon appears that the feature is available.
  • Goggle account login: the icon appears that the feature is missing.
  • Apple Pay: the icon appears that the feature is available.

The information is available in the Card view under the device image and in the Detail view in the new System column:

Information about features on Mobitru devices in the Card view
Card view
System column in the Detail view
Detail view

Operating systems

In the Devices tab, you can check what Operating systems the Mobitru devices have.

Card view: check an OS under the device model.

Operating system in the Card view

Detail view: check an OS in the OS version column.

OS versions column in the Detail view
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